Personal Portfolio of

Jeremy Cheung

Machine Learning Developer

About Me

I am currently a Machine Learning Developer and have worked all across the machine learning pipeline ranging from deep learning, data science and computer vision. I graduated from my Mechanical Engineering Masters Degree at the Toronto Metropolitian University (previously known as Ryerson University) where my focus was on Applied Machine Learning specializing in Prediction of Wind and Solar Power Output using Deep Learning Networks. I am currently seeking new opportunities regarding Machine Learning and Data Science.

What have I worked on?


Check out some of the projects I have worked on.

Renewable Energy Prediction

Deep Learning

Climate Policy Vector Database

Vector Database

Computer Vision Painting

Computer Vision

UNet Image Segmentation

Deep Learning

Dog Breed Identification

Computer Vision

NASDAQ Stock API Tracker

Data Science

Svelte Web Application

Web Development

My Resume

Resume download:


Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me via the following links